Hi there!
I am Danielle, founder of this DailyPlanner website. I have been researching and experimenting with planning tools and techniques to find my way of efficiently channeling through this very busy world. It helps me to be more productive, releases stress and continues to help me grow towards a better version of myself. I know I can put you on the same path finding your own way.
Let me tell you a bit more about how this story came about.
How I Started to Grow into a Better Version of Myself…
Naturally, I am a very stressful person and get easily overwhelmed by all the To-Do’s that are thrown at me during daily life. On top of that, I am interested in so many different topics, aspects of life, hobbies etc. which always make feel like I am short on time and will miss out on things. I’ve tried many ways, apps and organization tools hoping to quiet down my thoughts and get me focused on the present instead of worrying about the past or the future.
Planning helps me in so many ways. It is the foundation of taking care of myself. I became more productive, less stressful, and move more flexible through life. I feel more fulfilled and proud about myself because I accomplish more. I live a healthier life, targeting several areas like exercise, food, sleep and routine. It is a positive spiral: rising energy levels make me able to challenge myself and reach my goals. Feeling energized and present also deepens my relationships and connections with the people I care about.
Don’t get me wrong: of course I still mess up or lose my rhythm. Life just comes with ups and downs and you have to take them in. However, standing up, trying again or changing directions when I need to and/or want to, keeps me on the path of becoming a better and happier version of myself.
It’s a Journey… You can Join Me
I know that there are other people out there struggling with the pace at which the world moves around. Since I experienced those same problems, I want to help others finding their own personal way of planning and becoming a better version of themselves. What I love about sharing knowledge and helping other people is that it makes us grow all together. I truly believe that positive energies attract other positive energies.
Also, when I was trying to find my direction in life, I stumbled on the right track for me because of other people sharing their know-how. As I was looking for work-related flexibility, I wanted to start my own business online. I am so grateful that I became a WealthyAffiliate member. I feel supported throughout the whole journey and am so excited to finally be able to start another dream. So if you are interested to connect with me over there and start your own story, you can do so here (free to join, no obligations).
My Goal is for You to Reach Your Goals
My goal is to help YOU to find YOUR WAY dancing through life and reaching your goals. I want to support you to find your personal way of growing towards a better version of yourself. Planning is different for everybody. Some people don’t need a lot of structure, others need to write everything down to finally reach a state of rest (like me). With DailyPlanner, I want to build a platform of knowledge, a guide to walk anyone through the right personal path and an open space to share experiences with others.
So whatever your goals and challenges are, big or small, the website content I want to create here, will help you find your own way.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or leave a comment below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
Anyway, now you know more about me, my story and how I want to help you. I hope you are ready to grow and will enjoy your own journey on DailyPlanner.
Danielle Muylle
w. findyourdailyplanner.com